Baby Sign Language Affiliate Program

Articles / Tools To Help You Promote the Baby Sign Language Posters Kit

Here are some articles you can use to post on your site, send out to your newsletter, post on Facebook, etc. 

Here are a few subject titles you will want to try with this article below:

*How to Totally Bypass The "Terrible Two's"
*How to Make the "Terrible Two's Non-Existant"
*A Set of Posters That Mysteriously Destroys The Terrible Two's
*How This Tiny Poster Set Warded Off The Terrible Two's
*How the Terrible Twos Become a Myth In Your Home
*Why This Simple Set of 10 Contact Sheets Banishes Terrible Two's (!)

Article content:

Have you ever heard of baby sign language?   It's all the rage right now, but we can already see that this has some amazing staying power.  This is not a fad, but a GROWING TREND that's not only growing hugely in the US, but internationally.

Baby Sign Language was 'discovered' by a man named Joseph Garcia.  Joseph,, who knew sign language already due to having Deaf parents, started to notice that when at Deaf friends' homes that their babies were signing 2 years before their hearing family counterparts.  

At first it was thought that babies who used sign language before learning to speak - would not want to learn how to speak after using some basic signs.  But research shows that babies who learn how to sign first, actually SPEAK SOONER than babies who don't have the benefit of learning signs in their early months!   


Josepth was QUITE fascinated with this, and began to really study and take note of this incredible dymanic between these parents who were commnicating 2 years -earlier than typical babies- proved to have a tremendous impact on babies:

*Vocabulary Acquistion
*Social Skills
*Early literacy skills

What a lot of people don't realiaze is that babies CAN COMMUNICATE AS EARLY AS 4 months old!  Believe it or not, babies DO UNDERSTAND the communication going on around them.  They know what's going on, and want to even TELL you, but the ONLY THING STOPPING THEM, is that their vocal chords aren't solidly formed!  Imagine, having all this stuff in your brain that WANTS to get out, but you CAN'T get it out ONLY due to a physical limitation?  One that lasts for almost two years?!?

NO WONDER why babies have crazy tantrums and the terrible two's!  

Speaking of the Terrible TWos..  Did you know that babies who learn baby sign language pretty much breeze by this dreaded stage?  That's right, chalk that up to the ability to express themselves calmly AND CLEARLY, all due to the
magic of baby signing.  

Sound awesome?

I could go on and on, but if you have more questions about it in your  mind, want to learn more, and check out how they teach it, have a look here:  [YOUR AFFILIATE LINK GOES HERE]

As they say,

Happy Signing!  :-)

[Your name]

Baby Sign Language Article #2

How to Stop Tantrums

Temper tantrums are a rite of passage for all children and frankly all parents. We’ve seen our children have a fit because of one thing or another, these tantrums can be stressful on everyone involved and everyone around. However few parents really understand just how connected a child’s communication (or lack thereof) is to tantrums. By using baby sign language we can bridge the gap between understanding and the lack of appropriate verbalization the child may have, that ultimately leads to tantrums.

Tantrums are a result of children experiencing disappointment and frustration in most cases over lack of being able to communicate what they need in certain situations. This can even significantly affect their confidence, causing severe tantrums and at its worst withdrawal from social interactions. There are many ways that parents go about solving the tantrum when the child is having one, but doesn’t it make more sense to try to avoid the tantrum before it even happens?

We have a tendency to begin to feel overwhelmed and often confused when we don’t know how to help our child through these big emotions or when we can’t deduce what our child needs in the moment. With baby sign language in the mix we as parents make it so that our children know that we can understand them if they use a certain sign. When the child uses the sign and the parent then pronounces the word, it is a mutual understanding and the need can be instantly be met.

For instance, when a child is thirsty for water but may not be able to say water, without sign language the child and parent end up in a struggle to figure out what the toddler is asking. Eventually if unanswered this conversation escalates into a tantrum. With sign the baby can use their understanding of the word and motion that goes with it to accurately sign to the parents what he/ she needs. The parent signs back, saying the word water and the child is then given what they need, with a little practice, sign really can be as easy as that!

There are a few main “red flags” we can remember when it comes to tantrums; thirst, hunger, fatigue, over and under stimulation are main factors behind odd behavior in toddlers. When we keep these in mind and look for the signs pertaining to them, avoiding tantrums before they even progress is a really great way to make your child feel understood and confident. When our children feel lifted with self-esteem they progress and excel without having to explode.

There is no need to wait until you experience bumps in the road with your child in regards to behavior. The earlier you start baby sign language the better grasp of communication you will be giving your child in the future. Your toddler and your patience will thank you for integrating baby sign into your parenting bag of tricks.


Baby Sign Article #3

Infant Signing and Toddler Signing

As our babies grow, we suddenly realize that they are reaching the toddler stage.  They reach a certain point of self-awareness and – hold onto your hat – independence!  Suddenly, they begin to grasp the idea of communicating by words, they are imitating everything you do around the house, and they want to solve their own problems before they let you help.  Signing doesn’t have to be phased out as your child begins to experiment with language, though – it can be a stepping stone instead.

With infants, signing is usually their way of communicating basic needs.  “Down” was the first sign my son mastered.  “Drink,” “please,” “milk” – these are some of the signs they are most likely to use.  As they grow, however, they like to state more complex preferences and even just make conversation about their observations.  At this age, they are ever more likely to tell you how they want to play, as they try to control their surroundings.  They might like to comment on what they see outside the car window.  This is a great age to introduce signs for “dog,” “cat,” “hot,” “cold,” and other similar concepts.

Signing can help them express these concepts even beyond the simple consonant-vowel blends that they can verbally master.  I have had a hard time keeping ahead of my son with the proper ASL signs, but he naturally invents his own for a lot of words.  Thus, “ba” verbally can mean “bye” or “bite,” but a toddler can combine these sounds with a sign to communicate more clearly.  When he said “ah wah” for the first time, I immediately knew he meant “all gone” because he made a hand sign while he said it.

Signing can also be helpful as toddlers move into the “terrible twos” stage and need discipline.  When my son was an infant, “down” was his way to request me to get him out of his highchair.  He still uses it for that, as well as to get off the “big potty,” but now I use it as well to tell him I’m really serious about him getting “down” off the table, or to get “down” off the noisy toy while we’re having family devotions at Grandma and Grandpa’s. 

For me, the best difference between infant signing and toddler signing is a little different.  When I was teaching signing at the infant stage, I kept wondering, “How do people do two-handed signs while they’re holding the baby?”  Now that we’re at the toddler stage and he’s enthusiastic about gesticulating while he talks, I finally have both hands free!  It’s inspiring me to expand my vocabulary, and maybe – just maybe – my son will master those two-handed signs and help me when it’s time to teach them to a little sibling.

Baby Sign Article #4

When Will Baby Sign Back to Me?

Baby sign language is a great way to further information and linguistics with your infant, especially if you start from the very beginning. The excitement of seeing your baby’s first sign in response to you is incomparable to anything, you will be beyond amazed and so will your friends! We all know each child is unique in their learning, understanding, and their capabilities, sign language is like any babyhood milestone and everyone approaches their first sign differently. So, when can you expect your baby to sign back at you, and what should you be looking for?

The timeline of baby sign language depends on the factors of your particular signing situation. Infants have been known to sign back at their parents as early as two weeks to two months from the time you make your first motion, others aren’t as versed until six months or later, don’t give up! Other factors include how frequently you sign in your household, of course, the interest level and attention span in your baby or toddler, age, and when you first started signing (toddlers tend to pick up the signs faster.) After a pretty major brain “growth spurt” at approximately one year you can look forward to a larger memory bank of signs, and readiness for new ones.

Just like with any education, the earlier you start baby sign language, the better. Even though, you may not see instant results, you can be sure your attentive newbie is looking, and learning every time those eyes are open. When we start sign from an early age, we allow it to be a natural part of every day. Experiencing every effort that your child makes when they are clapping, waving, and motioning these are all important stones to becoming a regular sign language pro. Don’t forget to make learning fun; exaggerate your movements with big emotions, and exciting body language, that’ll be sure to catch the attention of everyone.

When babies first start the process of signing they may not make the movements as exactly what you are looking for, they’re efforts are commonly missed but can be some of the first signs babies figure out. Some of the motions of signing take such fine, precise motor skills they are quite difficult to replicate without practice. Be sure to keep your eyes open for silly wiggly arm flails, and immense looks of focuses on the face. Reward and acknowledge anything that may resemble a sign, giggling is a perfectly acceptable response to those silly expressions.

Every child learns differently, at different speeds, and has individual abilities, don’t be discouraged if you don’t see a response to signing right away, while some infants may pick up within two weeks some begin a little later and grasp the concept in a few months, each path is acceptable. Baby sign language should always be fun and enjoyable for baby, never a burden or stressful situation, when a parent connects with a child over the deep understanding sign can provide, the outcome is rewarding for the whole family. Not only is it a learning opportunity but it’s also an opportunity to bond and be together while acting silly, and laying the foundation for your communication relationship in the future. With a little consistency, lots of excitement and some practice even you might learn a thing or two from baby sign language!

Baby Sign Article #5

How Baby Sign Language Helps Babies Learn How to Speak

Teaching sign language to infants and toddlers is becoming more and more popular. What was once saved for the deaf or hard of hearing is quickly turning into a second language for young children. There are many advantages for teaching your baby sign language; the most noticeable advantage is that the child will be able to communicate his needs with his caregivers. But, another advantage is that teaching your baby sign language can actually help them learn how to speak.

Communication is key in our lives, and babies learn to communicate and can understand language long before they can talk.  This is why an infant or toddler can sign before they are able to speak. They understand the words you are saying, and are able to imitate this with their hands, thus communicating their needs. This puts a child who is able to sign at a communicative advantage over a child who is only able to speak a few words.

Children who have been taught sign language typically acquire spoken language sooner than those who were not taught to sign.  This advancement in language continues into childhood.

Sign language works in babies for a number of reasons. One is that by adding in a visual to the sound of the word the child is able to better process what you are saying. A young toddler can have a hard time keeping up with a language that moves quickly. By adding in a visual aid, you are helping the child process the spoken language that matches the information they are hearing.

Brain imaging research has also found that when we sign the areas of the brain are just as active as when we speak orally. This means that that by teaching your child to sign, those signs will be stored and processed in their brains as words. This strengthens and stimulates the areas of the brain that help language develop more efficiently.

Babies between the ages of 19 and 24 months who have been taught sign language score higher in receptive language tests. These tests measure how well they understand spoken words. These babies also outperform babies who have not been taught sign language in expressive language tests, which measure how well the child spoke.

If you have the opportunity, take the time to teach your baby to sign. By doing this you will not only be teaching your child to better communicate with you in the present, but you will be setting them up for better language development in the future as well.

Baby Signing Article #5 

(This has the same topic as the article above, but is written differently.  Please choose the one that most resonates with you and your audience.)

How Baby Signing Helps Baby Learn to Speak

When it comes to milestones of communication every parent is constantly looking for ways to help their babies along. Those first babbles, coupled with those moments of eye contact are irresistible and some of your baby’s first ways of connecting with you. Most moms and dads are well aware of the advantage that reading to your little can provide, but not everyone is so versed on benefits that come with sign language. Did you know babies who are taught to communicate their needs with signing, learn to speak naturally faster than their non-signing counterparts?

Children learn physicality’s first and it’s important to remember all children learn very differently, however if we carefully look at typical first abilities we can see that speech is normally at the end of the timeline and is closer to toddlerhood then it is to infancy. Lifting that head up, rolling, and crawling are expected long before you hear that heart melting mama and dada uttered from those pink little lips.

When we introduce baby sign language and the words that go along with it, not only are we showing baby a physical way of communication but we are expanding their verbal memory bank as well, allowing a much deeper and less frustrating understanding of words and their meanings. Allowing our children to grasp communication much earlier by playing upon their strengths. When talking about language we sometimes place a lot of importance on the words themselves and don’t always realize that body language is a huge part of getting your point across.

Has someone ever told you “you talk with your hands?” That’s precisely what sign language is doing, making various gestures, and placing them with words that ultimately connect with a meaning. Babies almost immediately pick up these gestures, as they have a wonderful (sometimes hilarious) gift of repetition. They love to wave back at mom, and as soon as they discover clapping you bet you’ll be hearing it long before they can even speak.

Worried that signing might hinder language rather than develop it? Don’t be! Just as much as babes love the actions of signing, we can make the words just as fun to speak. Don’t forget to make baby sign language a fun and interactive process. For example, children develop an early curiosity for household pets so let’s embrace that with sign!

To sign CAT, start with open hands on either side of your cheeks, pull them out horizontally while closing your fingers. End with your fingers closed and middle finger touching thumb. Just like you’re cleaning you’re kitty whiskers. Be sure to say cat with a silly grin, or even add in “meow” to further and encourage the noises a cat makes. As we all know babies and toddlers develop at such different rates that the process of signing can begin at different ages and stages. Although it is most beneficial to begin signing right from the start, don’t stress if your baby isn’t all that interested at first (don’t forget the fun factor.)

 It isn’t until approximately ten months of age you may start seeing your little smarty pants sign back at you and with a sign for every need you will definitely notice less fussiness when it comes to choosing meals, bedtimes, and everyday routines as your child will be able to tell you what they want in that moment and isn’t that every parents ultimate goal? With baby sign language you can promote independence, and a deeper understand of communication that will last them a lifetime.

Baby Sign Language Article #6

How do *I* learn sign language (so I can teach it to my baby)?

So, you’ve been sifting through how-to books, and searching on the internet on baby sign language. As a parent you’re probably interested in the beneficial world of sign, but are questioning the decision because you don’t know it. Don’t worry! The major benefit to sign language is how simple it is to pick up. Here are a few ways to ease your own learning so you can feel prepared to teach your baby.

·       Immerse yourself – While it’s not entirely necessary, you can look into your local community league or library. They sometimes hold free or low fee classes on ASL or American Sign Language. If you’re looking to really learn the history, culture, and a deeper meaning behind sign with some one on one help this is great place to start.

·       Look online – The internet knows no bounds, there is no shortage of information about sign language right at your fingertips. With access to videos, courses, and loads of helpful advice this is the perfect way for “self-learning’ without leaving home.

·       Homework – Homework? I bet you thought you were done with that, huh? Well the best way to learn anything that takes remembering is with practice and repetition that includes sign. You may need to practice on your own a few times without an audience to really nail the signs you want to teach.

·       Fun – Just like our kids it’s hard to learn something new when it’s dry and boring. Lucky for you sign isn’t any of those things! Pick some of your words, or activities or even foods and start with those. Look in a mirror and sign to yourself or your partner, make your own flashcards, and feel free to teach your friends. If you don’t pick up a sign right away don’t stress. It shouldn’t be taxing!

·       Go with the flow – You don’t need to have certain number amount of signs memorized before you start teaching it. The fun part if you don’t already know it is learning alongside your little. Choose to do one new sign a day or week, and don’t worry about perfecting it just do it! If your toddler asks what the sign for something is and you don’t know it, try searching and learning it together, you’ll both have something to look forward too.

One of the great things about sign language is its user friendly system. It’s easy to learn and it’s fun to teach. By really getting involved, looking online, practicing (when we time that is), we can have fun with our children and really relax about the fact that we are just as new to sign as they are. Don’t stress about not knowing everything, or every little detail like parents are notorious for. Take this opportunity to really be present and learn alongside your young or older child. You’ll be amazed not only at your little one can sign but at you’ve learned from them!

Baby Sign Article #7

Bilingual babies and (baby) sign language


When teaching bilingual children sign language the most common question from parents tends to be “will I be confusing my baby?” Short answer being no way; here is why. When children first learn baby sign language they are connecting a gesture with a word and ultimately a meaning. In bilingual children, they are connecting a gesture with two very different words from various languages and connecting these with one meaning.

This process is by no means an easy one or a short one, especially where the household changes or jumps between languages frequently. Did you know baby sign language can help make these word transitions and connections much easier? When we give infants the same physical gesture for two different words you are instantly making the difficult process of bridging the two vastly easier.

When the parent signs for a household pet, in this case we will say dog and follows this sign by saying both variants for dog/ chien, the child can (with practice) recognize both words and in a AHA! Moment understand they have the same meaning. We sign DOG by taking either hand and patting our thigh a few times, just as if we were calling Sparky for a walk, simply right? Here are three helpful signs for bilingual children.

The sign AGAIN can be particularly helpful if the child needs to hear a word again to make sense of it, and can even be helpful for signing to your toddler to repeat herself. Begin by flattening out your dominant hand. Secondly bend your other hand and tap it (fingers down) against the palm of your flat hand.

PLEASE is important in any language, this is a wonderful sign to begin at any age. In signing please, you’ll want to take either hand with fingers extended but together, turning your palm in, rub it in a circle on your chest.

You can’t have please without THANK-YOU, to sign thank-you flatten your dominant hand, fingers touching and bring it to your chin then back out. Almost like blowing a kiss!

Sign language can be integral to bilingual children as it serves as an automatic bridge between spoken words and has the ability to lead them into understanding that two different words have the same meaning which is the hardest lesson to process. Rather than being confusing, baby sign can be very beneficial and even help speed the process of bilingualism along, with less bumps along the road.

It is a proven fact that when children are brought up in a multilingual household they acquire improved fine motor skills, and a deeper emotional understanding of body language. Sign language is all about physically getting your needs across, while gaining a knowledge of the meaning of the words you are speaking and with all this wisdom you are sure to be raising one smart little one!

Consider starting sign language from the very beginning, infants may be too young to show interest but trust that they are wholeheartedly watching the poetic movement of your hands. Just like with teaching anything that involves small children don’t forget to be obnoxious and boisterous, it’s more fun when mom is barking like the dog she’s signing or laughing at how silly some of the movements can be! With a little (or a lot) of patience your super speaker will be flipping through languages while signing frantically at you to catch up. 


More articles are coming!

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