Benefits of Baby Sign Language at Daycare

How Infant Signing Boosts Communication in Daycares and Additional Child Care Settings

Brooke-Ellyne Signs "All Done" at a Daycare in New Castle, Pennsylvania

Not only do baby signs benefit your tiny sweetie at home – these benefits are extended to daycares (and other child care settings and residences of significant people in your baby’s life) as well.

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Here are additional benefits of your baby or toddler learning sign language at his/her childcare:

  • Signing helps lower noise levels in preschool classrooms by reducing frustrated screaming and crying
  • Signing minimizes stress and frustration for caregivers who are responsible for meeting the needs of many children at once
  • Signing reduces the 'guesswork' in meeting each child's maintenance needs resulting in more available time for positive, developmental interactions
  • Caregivers report that signing significantly reduces problems with biting. Take away the frustration and biting goes with it.
  • The use of American Sign Language gives children with special needs the opportunity to meaningfully interact with typically developing children. General acceptance of children with special needs is greatly boosted.

  • Would you like to give your daycare, babysitter, (or other special one in your baby’s life) detailed information related to the benefits of baby signing?

    If the need is great, we will get started on a free baby signing e-book that you can give to anyone else who is interested in the benefits of signing with babies and/or toddlers. Simply contact us here about a mini baby sign language guide for others and let us know!

    Additional Related Infant and Toddler Sign Language Related Topics:

    See intellectual benefits of signing with your baby

    See the psychological/emotional benefits of baby signs

    See the benefits for parents who learn signs with their babies

    Get started! See our quick and easy to use sign language glossary

    Toddlers benefit significantly from sign language, too

    How do we teach sign language to our baby?

    Signing activities to share with Baby

    Feedback? Questions? Contact us about
    babies and sign language