Please What Should I do when People Tell me Not to Sign with My Toddler

by Jennifer H.

I am teaching my 18 old son sign language and people are always telling me that hes only going to sign he isnt going to talk and i always say that they are wrong and i tell them he knows over 50 words. 29 sings and 24 or so actual speaking

but when hes around other people he wont want to say or do anything. i dont know...... what todo.

by the way he only know so little because im learning too and i dont know any except for what he knows.

Comments for Please What Should I do when People Tell me Not to Sign with My Toddler

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Don't listen to that people saying signing is bad for kids
by: Kelly

hi m daughter is deaf we use signs with our younger son who has perfect hearing but he can speak well he is 23month old they will tell you that but you know.. best good luck

My baby won't talk in public either yet
by: Laura

My little 18month old girl does the same.. nothing in public.

Signing actually increases vocabulary and speaking
by: Debbie

Jennifer.. I have been signing with my little girl since she was 8 months old (now almost 3) she has a large vocabulary and uses sign and talks all the time.

so keep up the good work.. children are like a sponge they soak up so much while they are little. :)

Signing With Your Baby Takes and Makes Brain Power!
by: Olivia H.

I teach Baby Sign Classes as well as to my 17month old. My father-in-law is a Dr. and expressed the same concern to me.

I told him that we are ENRICHING our children with language. We are using three forms of learning, Audio... (saying the word), Visual (using the sign), and Kinesthetic (giving them the opportunity to use the sign back).

We are using more brainpower at an age when it's extremely important. Well, he took my word on that! :)

As for him not wanting to talk or sign in front of other people - I just tell people, "he's not a show pony, you know!" LoL

Keep up the good work! You're doing great, Momma!

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