Do you use sign language with your baby?
Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.
Do you use sign language with your baby?*
I plan to
I'm not sure yet
If yes, how is it going?
Wonderfully! We love it
Excited, but no signing back yet
It's ok, don't see much change yet
It's great when we are consistent at it
We've just started, no results yet
Gonna give up soon
How old is your darling?*
6 months or younger
6-8 months old
8-10 months old
10-12 months old
12-14 months old
14-16 months old
16-20 months old
20 - 24 months old
Older than 3 years old
If You've Answered "Gonna Give Up Soon", please tell us why, if you can? We'd like to help!
Comments or Questions about Baby Sign Language?

Please enter the word that you see below.


Please Take Our Quick Baby Sign Language Poll! :-)
Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.
When Did you First Hear of Baby Signing?*
This month!
Before I had any children
While I was pregnant
Now, while I am currently pregnant!
Sometime after my baby was born
Within the past 6 months
Last year
Two years ago
More than 3 years ago!
I was a baby signer!
If you answered "Today!", how did you find out?
If you answered "Today", what can we do to make this site easier for you to use?