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Baby Sign Language - Welcome to Little Hands Express Monthly Newsletter! #1 Win Free DVD
August 06, 2010

Hi from Your Babies and Sign Team! August 6, 2010 Welcome to Little Hands Express Monthly Newsletter! Issue #1

***In This Baby Sign Language ezine:

*Latest Babies and Sign News *What Do You Think? *How do we use signing successfully with our little one? *Your Baby Can Already Sign! *Fathers and Baby Signing *Great Baby Signing Stories to Inspire *Coming up!


"Babies need social interactions with loving adults who talk with them, listen to their babblings, name objects for them, and give them opportunities to explore their worlds." -- Sandra Scarr ______________________________________________

***Latest Babies and Sign News

Win a F'REE Baby Sign Language DVD and Boardbook! Yep, absolutely f'ree. No purchase needed, nothing of the sort!

The catch? We want your baby sign language story! One paragraph or ten! It's up to you. :-)

Click this link for details!

Contest starts today (early announcement for newsletter subscribers only, Good luck!)


Sponsor Of the Month - Signing for Babies & Beyond

Babies who can communicate through sign are often much happier babies and toddlers which translates into a happier YOU! Signing for Babies and Beyond (including bonuses!) _____________________________________________

***Tell Us!

Any new baby signs this week? What is your little one signing that just tickles you?

Please leave your comment here:


***How do we use baby signing with our little one?

It is easy to initially be or feel overwhelmed by the thought of teaching your babe Baby Sign Language. This is most likely because you are looking at what you want as the end result – the ability to have a conversation with your infant. Totally understandable!

Here are the top two tips (of many!) to getting started with signing with your little darling:

Tip #1 Choose a really easy word that your baby will most likely learn and/or understand the quickest.

Tip #2 The first sign word should probably be for something concrete.

For instance, in the beginning, it's much easier to teach the sign and concept for the concrete word(s) "doggie" or "ball" than it is to teach the immediate concept of, for example, the term(s) "curly" or "air".

Learn more tips here:


***Your Baby Probably Can Already Sign!

Almost all babies try to use gestures to communicate, but many parents/caregivers tend not to overlook Baby's attempts because of the focus on the speech part of communication. If you observe regularly, you may notice that Baby will even create his / her own gestures until s/he can vocalize the word in English!

Your little one easily grasps the hand motions for hi and goodbye and most likely uses head shakes (or nods) to mean yes or no. A lot of parents stop here, not realizing that their child is capable of learning many more signs and gestures, thereby making communication a smoother (and earlier!) process. Keep in mind also the terrific coordination skills that come earlier for your child!

Read more here:


***Does your baby's father (and/or grandfather!) try signing with your little one also?

If you've answered yes, then you and your baby are extra lucky! For most of us, for some reason or other, our male counterparts just don't seem to have the same enthusiasm as we ladies do! :-/

Want your husband, boyfriend, and/or significant other more involved in Baby's (the communication part) life using signing?

There are many ways to involve fathers in your baby's development of sign language. Many men want to be more involved, but simply aren't always sure how to do it!


We asked a signing Dad if he had any tips for other Dads and (and Moms who want Dad's to sign, too!):

Babies and Sign Team: Any tips for soon-to-be signing Dads?

Signing Dad (Evan) says: Our son signs a few words at age 16mos

*Best to join your child while your baby plays a game or while eating while in his/her highchair.

*Sign to your child each time, sign each food, drink, request if want more or done.

See more:

Want to figure out how to get your significant other to join you and your little one in baby signing?

See our Fathers and Baby Signers page here:


***People are Giving Me a Hard Time About Baby Signing!!! Acckkk!!!

"I am teaching my 18 old son sign language and people are always telling me that hes only going to sign he isnt going to talk and i always say that they are wrong and i tell them he knows over 50 words. 29 sings and 24 or so actual speaking but when hes around other people he wont want to say or do anything. i dont know...... what todo. by the way he only know so little because im learning too and i dont know any except for what he knows." --Jennifer

Here is what Eleanor had to say to Jennifer in a helpful and supportive response:

"When people say that to me, if they have ever thrown their hands up when they are showing a child that they are all done, or even notice when a child asked to be picked up they put their hands up to be picked up.

I ask them if they ever learned to wave goodbye, or hello. Or have they ever had anyone point to where they needed to go. When they answer yes I ask them if they learned to speak, clearly they have so apparently signing didn't effect them.

Signing has been used for many years with children people just didn't realize they were actually doing sign. and didn't continue doing it."

Ever had to deal with a baby sign skeptic or two? How did you deal with it?

Help other parents by commenting here:

Thank you!


***Coming Up at Babies and Sign Language - Exclusive to Newsletter Members

New Baby Signing Mini Poster! Animal Signs!

Yep, top 20 animal related signs coming your way! And yes it's f'ree only for Babies and Sign Subscribers only! Stay tuned!

P.S. Any specific animal signs you'd like for you and your little one(s) to learn? Please leave all suggestions at this page only:

Thank you!


***See you next month! Happy Signing!


For Your Convenience - Babies and Sign Newsletter/eZine Resources

**Helpful Links:

*Add a new baby sign or two to your repertoire! *Baby Sign Language FAQ: *Baby Signing Classes In Your Area: *Babies and Sign Back Issues:

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**Feedback/Suggestions? Simply drop us a line at:


All articles, photos, etc found on the Babies and Sign Language website and newsletters are copyrighted. It would mean a lot to us if you please ask permission to post or reprint any materials from our website and/or newsletter(s). Thank you! Babies and Sign Language team.


Babies & Sign Language and the Little Hands Express Monthly Newsletter published by Little Hands Express, LLC | 620 S. Public St. | Suite 11 | CO 80026

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