Baby Signing Helps Significantly With Reducing Frustration
by Mariela
(Anaheim, CA)
I started teaching my baby sign language since she was 6 months old, I taught her all done and more.
She didn't sign at the beginning, but I kept showing her anyways.
By 9 months she started signing and is learning more and more signs.
When she turned 1 all of a sudden she began to have tantrums for no apparent reason. She would throw a tantrum just because she would get stuck while pushing her toy stroller.
I started teaching her how to sign help and the tantrums (for that)stopped. As she throws tantrums I teach to sign what she wants and in 3 or 4 times of me showing her she picks it up.
Signing has been a life saver because it's helping me communicate with my little girl and to avoid tantrums. I would recommend to all parents to teach sign language to their children.